
Thursday, January 3, 2019

My Foodie Shares Around the Web

Ever heard of myLot? It's one of those social networking sites that pay you for just having discussions and being friendly. It's a neat way to earn some extra income. You can start discussions or chime on discussions already going on. It's lots of fun. The discussions I initiate are varied but of course, several of them are about food and drink or something food-related. 

Here are a few examples.   But there are lots more!  Enjoy! 😊

Sushi vs. Sashimi - There's a Difference?

Life's Guilty Pleasures: French Fries

Life's Guilty Pleasures: French Fries

We probably all have our guilty pleasures don't we? Never prepared a list, but if I did, french fries would be on it! French fries, smothered with melted cheddar cheese, sprinkled with crispy bacon pieces. If I'm going to indulge myself, might as well go all the way! Right?

Store-Bought or Homemade. Which is Better?

Store-Bought or Homemade. Which is Better?

In high school we had to study Greek philosophers. One of the philosophers that stuck in my mind was Epicurus. He believed in the "pleasure principle"....

First Food Experiences – Zucchini Muffins

First Food Experiences - Zucchini Muffins

Years ago when I was a poor university student, a treat would be to catch a public bus and go to a mall, look in the stores and maybe grab a bite to eat somewhere. Somewhere ... cheap! One day at the mall there was this restaurant that had a wonderful aroma coming from it.

Root Veggies From Jupiter Taste Better!

Root Veggies From Jupiter Taste Better!

Sharing a tidbit from stuff that gets thrown into my "I would have never thunk it!" files. Have you ever thought that: "Plants grown on other planets...

World Cuisine: Spotlight on Jordan

World Cuisine: Spotlight on Jordan

Yielding to temptation again. Have to share something foodie oriented. A famous athlete was a guest on a TV cooking show and he was being interviewed by the host who asked him, since he had traveled so many places around the world, what type of food did he like the most.

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