
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Rainbow-colored Oreo filled with controversy ~ Whatever!!

When it comes to rainbows, nobody loves them more than me.  Have loved rainbows all my life and don't plan to stop even if people try to whip up a controversy surrounding them.  That's how I feel about rainbows.  

First I saw a tweet posted by @ItsFoodPics, and then saw a YouTube video titled "Rainbow-colored Oreo filled withcontroversy".  Seriously?

Controversy?  Oh no!  More like extreme upset!

I'm extremely upset because when I tried to shop for rainbow Oreo cookies online I couldn't find them!!  WHAT??!!  They're not for sale!!  WHY?!

How I feel about rainbows is the same way I feel about Oreo cookies.  Don't even think of trying to separate me from some Oreos and a glass of cold milk. 💕

I'm making a public statement. It's a shout out!  Nobody, anywhere in the world, should ever use rainbows or Oreo cookies to stir up controversy.

Oreos can be used for world peace!

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