
Monday, November 13, 2017

Food Blog Spotlight : From My Own Kitchen: Pomegranate Milkshake (Reblog)

Years back I started a pinboard dedicated to pomegranates. (See board description below.) I heart pomegranates.  Pinned this post to my pinboard and I am also reblogging the link here.  "From My Own Kitchen" is a wonderful food blog.  The post archives date back to 2012. Have you ever had a pomegranate milkshake?

Here are a few more pomegranate recipes found at the same blog.

Check out my collection of POMEGRANATES on Pinterest  (Recipes, products made with pomegranates, pomegranates in art, etc.)
DESCRIPTION:  Pomegranates: wonder fruit; super food; delicious! ~ Researched the history of this exquisite exotic wonderful fruit and fell in love with it! ~ As if the crimson red color were not enough to make me hopelessly devoted. ~ Now on a mission to find and share all things foodie for this fruity delight! ~ ~ Board maintained by

Do You Know the Truth About Pomegranates?
Take a 
fun quiz.

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Work-at-home professional since 2007.

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