Friday, July 16, 2021

Foodie Friday : Edible Flowers

From time to time I randomly choose food topics, publish posts and tag them “Foodie Friday”. I have been doing research on edible flowers and that's what this Foodie Friday post is about.

When I was a child we (my sibling, my friends, and me) ate the hibiscus flowers that grew in the front yard of my childhood home. Don't know why but the thought never occurred that there were lots and lots of edible flowers. Then one day I was watching a TV cooking show. It was Rachel Ray. She made this dish, garnished it with flowers, and pointed out that the flowers were not just for decoration. You could eat them! Part of me was happy and wondered what they tasted like. The other part of me was sad because the food was just so pretty. I hated to destroy the work of art. 

Anyway. The more I explore, the more I find. A fellow food lover who contributes articles to an online writing community where I have been a member for almost 10 years, published a list of 25 Flowers You Can Eat. At the end of the article, she shared a link and I made an amazing foodie discovery: Crystallized Flowers. The recipe is so simple. You don't have to be a professional baker or pastry chef and you can decorate all kinds of desserts with them.
  • ImPORTaNT CooKING TiP: Use organic flowers that have not been sprayed with pesticides. 
I am very pleased with the progress of my research project. Hope you are happy with my findings as well.

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