Showing posts with label healthy eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy eating. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Fruits and Veggies : Exotic Fruits Are Wonderful Natural Delights

Tropical fruit must have been abundant in the Garden of Eden. Don't you think? At least, that's how I imagine it anyway. Do you like exotic fruit? My first visit to The Bahamas opened up a whole new world for me. There were so many delicious fruits of paradise that I had never heard of or tasted.

That was more than 30 years ago. These days, the wonderful thing about grocery shopping in America, is that you can find foods from almost anywhere in the world. These foods were not always available and so plentiful. It's not my imagination. Even Chef Jacques Pepin mentioned during one of his TV episodes that when he first arrived in the United States to begin his career as a chef, there were many ingredients that he could not readily find at the local grocery store. You had to go to a special market or a gourmet shop. Not so, these days. Thanks to the Internet, it's easy to research and learn more about tropical fruit or “exotic fruit” or “super fruit” or “wonder fruit”, and why they are so good for you. Uh huh. Right. As if people need to twist your arm to get you to eat them. :)

Check these out!

- Acerola, also known as the Barbados cherry, is native to the West Indies, and also to Southern Mexico, and Southern and Central America. They claim this fruit has numerous health benefits, but healthy or not, the taste of this tropical fruit is irresistible.

- Cherimoya tastes like bubblegum. People have even given this fruit nicknames like “ice cream fruit” or “custard apple”, so-called because it has a creamy, sherbet-like texture. But beware of the seeds, as they can be poisonous.

- Dead man’s fingers originated from China. They really do look like fingers and their color is bluish-black. The taste is similar to watermelon.

- Kiwano or the horned melon has many names. It is native to Africa and is called African cucumber. But it is also known as English tomato. (???) On the outside it is yellow and orange, but the flesh inside is lime green. It's been part of African cuisine since ancient times.

- Mangosteen grows in Southeast Asia and is considered a “wonder fruit”. One might think because of the name that it is similar to a mango, but actually it is more like a peach. Research indicates that the mangosteen contains more xanthones than any other fruit. They call it the "X-Factor".

These are just a sampling of fruits. The intent is to whet your appetite and peak your curiosity. There is also dragon fruit, starfruit, Buddha’s hand (citron), cloudberries, durian, moringa, abiu and more! 


Looking for foodie friends? Have fun finding and sharing food-related content on Noise.Cash. It's a global social community. The PLUS is that you can make friends and earn Bitcoin Cash$.

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Image credit: Kiwano fruit (Public Domain)

Exotic fruit
© Photographer: Andreas Fischer | Agency:

Content previously published at Literacy Base on Aug 3, 2016.

Monday, April 8, 2024

3 Spices That Hold the Secrets of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)

Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao), who is a board-certified anti-aging expert shares information about the 3 best spices for a longer life.

Before you click the link (below) to the original article, give yourself 3 chances to guess the right combination of 3 spices that have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Eastern traditions to cure common illnesses and maintain good health.  I only guessed one of the spices.  But since I guessed it right, I added some extra info in this post.  So you only have to guess the other 2.

Now that I know what they are, I'm glad they're common, inexpensive and very easy to find.  So I don't travel over land and sea in search of the 3 mythical spices from the lost country of "Where Did You Get that?!"

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"Garlic is as good as ten mothers."
 - Ancient Telugu proverb from India

CARAMELIZED GARLIC TART: A whopping 40 garlic cloves are needed to make this elegant and easy tart that will leave your taste buds soaring. ... "30 Recipes that Prove You Can Never Have Too Much Garlic" (Archived copy of article.)

garlic tart

Thursday, January 11, 2024

10 Best Spices For Healthy Cooking by Matthew Kaplan (Guest Post)

Matthew Kaplan is an Editor for (now called RecipeLion), a popular online resource for healthy recipes and healthy cooking tips. is now called FaveHealthyRecipes and it is still a fantastic place for lots of healthy cooking recipes to help you!  The article presented below is available for publication and use by anyone.

**Salt didn't make the list.  But we were so happy to see black pepper among the chosen ones.  :)   Everyday Exotic Spices follows FaveHealthy Recipes on Pinterest.

How To Use Spices:
The 10 Best Spices for Healthy Cooking

For an easy and guilt-free way to add flavor to any recipe, use food spices. Even the largest amount of the top spice of your choice in a dish transforms a recipe from blah to ta-da! Let this spice list show you how to use the best spices to add tons of flavor without adding calories.

(1)  Black Pepper - Crisp, slightly spicy and unbelievably versatile, it is no large wonder that black pepper is the most common spice in the world. Black pepper is a great way to add a touch of heat and a bright aroma to just about any sort of savory application, from eggs and salads to rice and beef. To get the most flavor out of black pepper, freshly grind whole peppercorns using a pepper mill.

XQXQ Wood Salt & Pepper Mill Set, Pepper Grinders, Salt Shakers with Adjustable Ceramic Rotor- 8 in -Pack of 2

(2)  Cinnamon - Cinnamon is one of the best spices around because of its surprising versatility. One of the more potent of the essential spices, only a little cinnamon is needed to bring its trademark dense and rich flavor to a dish. Classically associated with the list of spices used in dessert, cinnamon is a great addition to savory rice and Indian dishes.

(3)  Cumin - Another popular food spice, cumin has a rich smoky flavor that works well in a variety of dishes, particularly Mexican and Indian recipes. Cumin is one of the best spices for cooking because it can be added to a wide variety of recipes.

(4)  Coriander
- Coriander is one of the most unique spices in that when this seed is planted, it becomes the herb cilantro. However, considering coriander brings a bright, warm, almost citrus flavor to a dish, the seed tastes nothing like the herb. Coriander works best in a recipe as a contrast to the heavier smokey flavor of cumin or as a compliment to orange and lemon flavors.

(5)  Cloves
- Extremely aromatic and slightly sweet, cloves are the top spice that contributes to the distinctive smell of Indian food. Cloves, whether whole or crushed, have a strong flavor and are best used in large amounts. Sprinkle a pinch of crushed cloves in your coffee or tea to add a bright chai flavor.

(6)  Cayenne Pepper - If you want to add a lot of intense spicy heat to a recipe, cayenne pepper is the top spice of choice. A tiny bit goes a long way, making cayenne pepper one of the best spices for transforming the flavor of a dish. Great in a whole host of recipes where you want a spicy kick, try mixing it up by adding a touch of cayenne pepper to your sweet chocolate recipes.

(7)  Turmeric - While traditionally used in curries and Indian-style recipes, turmeric is one of the best spices for adding color and aroma to a dish. Add turmeric to your spice list next time you make rice or soup. Plus, turmeric has a whole host of medicinal benefits, including as an anti-inflammatory.

(8)  Paprika - Essentially just dried and crushed red bell peppers, paprika is one of the essential spices for Hungarian and many Eastern European recipes. Ranging from sweet to slightly spicy, paprika adds a pungent, bright and colorful element to any recipe.

(9)  Mustard Seed - Found on the essential spice list of cooks from Western Europe to South Asia, the mustard seed is an aromatic spice with a touch of heat, perfect for complimenting the stronger flavors found in heavy meat dishes and pickles. Think of the flavor of the mustard seed as a less intense version of horseradish or wasabi.

(10)  Ginger - Slightly spicy and pungent, but with just enough sweetness and aroma, ginger should be on the spices list of every home cook. Whether for adding a bright pungency to Chinese and Japanese recipes or for adding a touch of the spice of cookies and sweet drinks, ginger is one of the most unique spices because of its versatility. Plus, ginger is great for digestion issues such as nausea and diarrhea.

This article was made available for republication via: articlebase,com

Monday, December 4, 2023

ACV is Good For You! Here's a Quick and Easy Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

You've undoubtedly seen many articles circulated about the marvelous health benefits of apple cider vinegar. When some people sing its praises, they call it "nature's miracle".  Based on my ACV experience, I can only say: They ain't kidding! This stuff is really good for you!!

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a versatile product with a myriad of uses. The health benefits include controlling blood sugar and aiding digestion. It can be used for household cleaning, such as disinfecting and deodorizing. As a pamper-yourself beauty treatment, for detoxifying and relaxing, add a cup of ACV to your bath water. Do you have a problem with annoying fruit flies? A small bowl of apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap makes an inexpensive and excellent fly trap. Diluted apple cider vinegar can even repel fleas on your pets. 

But mainly, it's great for food and cooking. Here are the three (3) best ways to use apple cider vinegar (ACV):
  1. As a base for homemade salad dressings.
  2. To add flavor and help tenderize meat in marinades.
  3. To pickle or preserve vegetables or fruits.

Don't you love it when something is good for you, it tastes good, and you can use it on more food that's good for you ... like a healthy salad?

Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing
(Easy Recipe found at Olive Nation)

2 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar Powder
2 TBSP Water
2 TBSP Honey
1 TBSP Dijon Mustard
1/2 Tsp Salt
1/4 Tsp Pepper
1/4 Cup Olive Oil

Directions: Whisk first 6 ingredients together in a bowl. Slowly whisk in olive oil until combined. Ready! (You could use a salad dressing mixer and get the same results.)

Image: Norpro Salad Dressing Maker with Mixer

ACV art


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Weight Loss Tips : Can I Drop 10 lbs in 10 Days? YES!

Meet Lynnis Woods-Mullins. 
Made friends with this wonderful lady via Facebook over 5 years ago. She made a major career change in her 50s and never looked back. (See video below.) She's a role model for women in business and it gives me great pleasure to shine the spotlight on her blog ~ PraiseWorks Health and Wellness ~ which focuses on holistic living and wellness tips. 

I am sharing some of her posts below which focus mainly on proper dieting. Her blog has lots more health and wellness advice. It's the first day of a new year and I'm looking forward to continuing my association with her. Her charm and glow give me inspiration and motivation to keep on keeping on!  2018 and beyond!!

How to Increase Your Energy -Avoid the Mid-Day Energy Slump!  ~  Do you ever have the mid-day energy slump? The time of day where your energy just begins to slowly leave your body and all you want to do is sleep? What is happening is your blood sugar is down and you need a quick up to replenish your energy in a healthy way -without drinking a cup of coffee or some other energy drink.  (Post includes great recipe for Energy Green Tea Mango Smoothie.)

PraiseWorks - My Story

Friday, July 28, 2023

Choose Sides: How Do You Like Your Green Salad? Fruit or No Fruit

Been married to my husband for over 40 years. This is a long-standing DIVIDE. My husband says fruit has no place on a bed of lettuce or other greens used to make a salad. I say all green salads taste better with fruit - nectarines, pears, strawberries, raisins, mangos! Love that sweet taste. He says "Forget about it!" This coming from the man who taught me to eat carrot and raisin salad.

Whose side are you are you on? 

Fruit is fantastic in a salad. Yes??

If you say NO.  These recipes might persuade you to change your mind.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Meal Kit Delivery Services: Spotlight on Hello Fresh

There are many people who have a very busy lifestyle.  They are on the run so much that they don't have time to expend on preparing a home-cooked meal.  In order to ao avoid eating fast food or junk food, Hello Fresh offers a valuable service.  They do the meal planning and grocery shopping for you.

Food is fresh, never frozen. In addition to meats and veggies, they have plant-based meals for vegans and vegetarians.

They deliver the meal kits once a week and you can skip deliveries if you need to, like if you're going out of town. You can also easily cancel your account.

The company owners, managers, and staff are very conscious of their social responsibilities. For example.

~ They promote healthy lifestyles

~ Their meal kits don't waste food.

~ They request that customers recycle the boxes the goods were delivered in.

Headquartered in Germany, and in business since 2011, Hello Fresh meal kits are extremely popular in America.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Health and Wellness : Where to Find Advice on Healthy Eating and More!

Many Americans, particularly African-Americans, and Americans who live in "the South" (like TV Chef Paula Deen), suffer from hypertension and diabetes; ailments that they need not suffer from if they would just change their diet! Understanding this, I am sharing a helpful link to this article: The 6 Best Websites to Learn About Healthy Eating; and some other useful links below. 

Healthy Chinese Food Options  (So glad steamed dumplings are number 1 on the list.)

7 Nutrient-Packed Foods to Keep on Hand  (This list contains staples that are plant-based and inexpensive.)

Cutting Calories, Fat, and Salt:


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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

To Beet or Not to Beet? is No Longer the Question

So here's my sad childhood story. Beets! Growing up, in my house the only person that ever ate beets was my late mother. The thing is … she didn't even try to encourage me or tempt me to taste them. No! SHE JUST ATE THEM ALL! As a kid, there was nothing appealing or appetizing about them. So … like broccoli and figs and other wonderful foods that looked questionable through a child's eyes … I just didn't eat them! Wasn't even curious.

In my adult years, forty-plus years ago, I met my husband. Would you believe it? He tells me a similar childhood story, except that both his mom and his dad ate beets. Beets and beets and beets. They just couldn't get enough of em!

Come to find out … beets are good for you! WHAT???!!

Why would our parents keep that a secret? We don't know! So they could have more for themselves?? Seems the only logical explanation!

Nevertheless, we love our parents and thank them for all of the other meaningful secrets of life that they did reveal to us. We'll overlook the best-kept beet secret.  :)

Anyway! …. Now that we've learned “the rest of the story”, the question of “To beet or not to beet?” has been answered. We just need to figure out a way to incorporate this awesomely nutritious superfood into our diet.

Found a treasure trove of beet recipes at Flipboard, a site where I am experimenting with publishing my own food magazine. (The magazine is called MyI Like Eating Channel.)

Sharing a few recipes from the Flipboard collection that look like they might be very tasty. However, the first share below was actually found elsewhere on the web. It's about beet juice. Did you know that it's drink of champions? Well it is!

As a parent myself, I know that no matter how good veggies may be, it's sometimes hard to get your kids (or yourself) to eat them! Thank the Lord for juice and juicers! Sometimes folks who won't EAT their veggies, don't have too much of a problem with DRINKING their veggies. 

Beet Orange Salad with Honey Vinaigrette

Where to find more Beets on Flipboard

Saturday, October 1, 2022

How Do You Like Them Apples? Like 'Em? I Love 'Em!

In the USA, October is the month we celebrate Halloween, pizza, and apples. I especially like the fact that October is National Apple Month. It was founded as National Apple Week in 1904 and later expanded to the entire month of October. Apples are such a delightful fruit and come in numerous varieties. There is a variety for practically every letter of the alphabet, including the letter Z. The variety is called Zestar.

Apples in Legends, Myths and Folklore

  • Ever Hear of Johnny Appleseed?

From childhood, I have heard all kinds of stories about apples. The story I remember vividly is the one about Johnny Appleseed. As a child I remember hearing the story about a man who walked everywhere in America and everywhere he went, he dropped apple seeds on the ground and apple trees grew. That’s not really true. It is true that he was a real person and not a legend. His real name is John Chapman (1774 – 1845) who became known as Johnny Appleseed. He introduced apple trees to various parts of America such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. It’s not just the fact that he planted the trees which contributed to the environment. He was also a very kindhearted man and became known for his acts of charity, as well as his conservation efforts. It made him somewhat of a folk hero.

Image Credit:  John Chapman (1774 –1845), aka Johnny Appleseed

Other Legends and Myths About Apples

  • Is it in the Bible?

An apple is not mentioned in the Garden of Eden. Neither the Old or New Testament specifically state what the forbidden fruit was that Adam and Eve ate. However, for years people have insisted that it was an apple. Eating it caused them to be driven out of the Garden of Eden. An apple? Not sure why. (O.o)

Non-Biblical Myths

In Greek mythology, it was said that a golden apple is what caused the Trojan War. “The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, after Eris, the goddess of strife and discord, gave them a golden apple, sometimes known as the Apple of Discord, marked 'for the fairest'.”
In Norse mythology, it was believed that apples held the key to immortality. The name of the Norse goddess who was the keeper of the apples was Iðunn. Her name means “ever young”.
The Celtic people buried apples with the dead. To the Celts the apple was sacred and it was associated with rebirth. Excavators have found graves dating back 5,000 years that had petrified apple slices.
In ancient Silesia (now modern-day Poland), people believed if they slept under an apple tree, it would induce dreams; and if a young woman put an apple under her pillow on New Year’s Eve, she would dream of her future husband.

How Do You Like Your Apples?

Apples can be eaten raw. Just pick them right off the tree. Bake them in pies, make cobblers, cookies, brownies, put them in salads, turn them into jelly, and more. My favorite way to enjoy apples? Apple pie. YUM! What about you?

Content previously published via

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Diet and Nutrition: Do You Know What Gives You Energy?

When it comes to being health and fitness conscious, making quality of life choices, and developing healthy living habits, citizens of Austin, Texas, set the example for everyone else to follow; including the Californians. { IMHO ☺}

Do you know which foods give you energy or what you can do to get more energy?

No. Eating donuts and watching TV are not on the list.

Sharing a recap of key facts to peak your interest and some information links on health, wellness, and fitness, diet, nutrition, and exercise for further reading and research.

According to Tori Jarzabkowski, Austin Fit Magazine, there are five foods that fuel the body or give you energy. 
(1) Matcha Tea 
(2) Bone Broth 
(3) Fermented Foods 
(4) Coconut Sugar 
(5) Seaweed Snacks


REFERENCE: Jarzabkowski, Tori. "Nutrition Trends for 2015." Austin Fit Magazine: Best of 2014 Issue Jan. 2015: 22-23. Print. AFM Issue #207. Est. 1997. Official website: 

Lynnis Woods-Mullins, CEO of Praiseworks, Inc. offers her advice on ways you can get more energy.
(1) Water-hydration 
(2) Exercise (just a brisk walk) 
(3) Super foods 
(4) Detox green smoothies 
(5) Aromatherapy  

REFERENCE: 5 Ways To Get More Energy - NOW! 

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I don't know about you but it would be very easy to get into the healthy habit of drinking green smoothies (or any smoothie for that matter) in the morning for breakfast and then enjoying a delightful cup of green tea in the afternoon or the evenings.

RAW VEGAN On The Fast Lane: The 60-Second Power Smoothie Handbook

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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Food Blog Spotlight: Vegan and Vegetarian Blogs: The Flaming Vegan (UPDATED Jan 2022)

Many celebrities have gone the way of the vegan. Common and Miley Cyrus to name just two (see "Links of Interest" below). Taking the leap and plunging myself into a vegan diet would be unrealistic. Taking baby steps toward modifying my diet to incorporate vegan food into my meals is a much more reasonable and sensible approach. That's why it gives me great pleasure to shine the spotlight on:

UPDATE:  Jan 2022: Sadly this domain name has expired and is now parked. Courtesy of GoDaddy.  Broken links below in this post have been replaced with archived links or suitable substitute links from other food blogger.

The Flaming Vegan (Domain parked free)

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The publishers describe their site as a “vegan and vegetarian blogging extravaganza”. Not only does this food blog provide recipes, but also answers to questions that didn't even cross my mind. Should have asked. Just didn't know any better. 

Below are few selected posts that ought to get you curious to know more. You may end up scratching your head and wondering why you're not already converted. Somebody preached the vegan gospel to rappers and they're repenting! :)

The Best Vegan Holiday Cookies. Seriously.

The Best Vegan Holiday Cookies. Seriously.

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 12 minutes Nothing says fall like pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin bread, pumpkin popcorn, pumpkin flavored nuts, ice cream, oreos, granola bars; you name it! How about some vegan marshmallow stuffed pumpkin cookies? We usually go to Trader Joe's once a week.


Our 8 Favorite Vegan Online Resources - Purple Carrot


How Does The Change of Life Affect Vegan Women?

How Does The Change of Life Affect Vegan Women?

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4 Fantastic Ways to Get All the Vitamins You Need

4 Fantastic Ways to Get All the Vitamins You Need

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Your Quick Guide to Vegan Baking Substitutes

Your Quick Guide to Vegan Baking Substitutes

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Getting Picky Eaters to Eat with the Rainbow Method

Getting Picky Eaters to Eat with the Rainbow Method

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Links of Interest:

About the Blog Publisher

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Work-at-home professional since 2007.


Treathyl Fox aka Cmoneyspinner – Home Business Entrepreneur.  Think. Dream. Focus. Believe in yourself? Hire yourself! Be your own boss! Do it! Self-employed and loving it!   ♦ DISCLOSURE: In compliance with FTC rules and guidelines, be advised that some links shared via my my websites and blogs might contain affiliate referral links which means commissions might be earned if product sales resulted from your click-through to the vendor’s website. Contact or Connect via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, HUBPages, or Medium.