Monday, June 3, 2024

Netflix Series: Korean Cold Noodle Rhapsody (2021)

The Netflix Rhapsody series is intended to trace the origins and evolution of the Korean cuisine that we enjoy today.  To date, there are five (5) rhapsody programs.  An EES blog post will be published to highlight each program.  This is the first post.

Korean Cold Noodle Rhapsody (2021)

cold noodle

Korean cold noodle, known as naengmyeon (냉면) in Korean, originated from North Korea. The dish consists of long, thin noodles made from wheat or buckwheat flour, served in a chilled broth, then topped with various ingredients. 

The toppings can include boiled egg, cucumber, Korean pear, pickled radish, and thinly sliced beef. There are different varieties and the most common variety is mul naengmyeon, which are noodles in a clear, tangy broth made from beef, chicken, or dongchimi (radish water kimchi).

Naengmyeon (cold noodle) is not only revered for its taste but also for its health benefits and cooling properties, making it a particularly popular dish during the summertime. The Korean cold noodle is often served during special occasions, like weddings or birthdays.


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