Showing posts with label One Green Planet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One Green Planet. Show all posts

Monday, April 24, 2023

Beyond Turmeric: 5 Indian Spices You Need in Your Pantry Now | One Green Planet (Reblog)

So happy to be learning more and more about world cuisine; especially Indian food and the spices used in various dishes. Found this blog post and have to reblog. Wouldn't be right to keep this cooking wisdom to myself.  😊

The best thing is that I love all of these spices and they can be easily be purchased via my online spice shop or probably at your local grocery store, depending on where you live.

OGP specializes in vegan recipes.
 More from One Green Planet.

Tips and Tricks to Use Turmeric in the Kitchen

Turmeric is potent stuff, and it has made a recent bang on the "Let food by thy medicine" scene. It's no wonder really, as the bright orange spice has serious anti-inflammatory properties that have garnered it attention as a natural preventative and/or treatment for things like arthritis, assorted cancers and Alzheimer's, to name but a few.

Peach Jalebi: Indian Funnel Cake [Vegan] - Made with Saffron and Cardamon

1 cups sugar; 1/2 cup water; 1/2 cup peach juice; 4-5 saffron strands; 1 teaspoon ground cardamom; A pinch of orange food coloring (optional) ...

Spicing It Up with Cumin: Health Benefits, Tips, and Recipes

Cumin, an oblong seed with ridges and a yellow-brown color, has been used since ancient times in Mediterranean and Asian cuisine. It originated in Egypt and belongs to the same family as caraway, parsley, and dill.

Why Ginger-fication of our Food Is a Good Thing

Ginger is a wonderful thing. It's highly medicinal, known to combat stomach ailments of all kinds and has anti-inflammatory properties said to rival any non-steroidal drug in its treatment of muscle and joint pain.
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Saturday, January 4, 2020

25 Creative and Delicious Recipes To Inspire Your Inner Foodie | One Green Planet (Reblog)

Found this wonderful site via TsÅ«, a once-popular social network that closed its doors. If you are not a vegan, this food blog could encourage you to at least "try" to modify or adjust your eating habits. They do it by publishing wonderful recipes. 

Sharing this link as an example:

25 Creative and Delicious Recipes That Will Inspire Your Inner Foodie | One Green Planet


10 Ways to Make Your Salads Interesting, Flavorful, and Crave-able!

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Work-at-home professional since 2007.


Treathyl Fox aka Cmoneyspinner – Home Business Entrepreneur.  Think. Dream. Focus. Believe in yourself? Hire yourself! Be your own boss! Do it! Self-employed and loving it!   ♦ DISCLOSURE: In compliance with FTC rules and guidelines, be advised that some links shared via my my websites and blogs might contain affiliate referral links which means commissions might be earned if product sales resulted from your click-through to the vendor’s website. Contact or Connect via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, HUBPages, or Medium.