Showing posts with label Virily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virily. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Would You Eat Food Not Grown on Planet Earth?

Have you ever thought that:

“Plants grown on other planets may be tastier than Earth veggies.”

Obviously, this thought has crossed someone’s mind.

Per my non-scientific observation and logic, none of the other planets even have trees! Why would anybody think the soil on Mars or Jupiter would be good for planting and harvesting fruits and vegetables? (O.o)

Nevertheless, ignoring the obvious scientific fact about the lack of trees, according to an interesting article published by Popular Science, there are working teams of scientists exploring the possibilities of farming Mars or growing plants on Jupiter.

The article is a fascinating read. Couldn’t help but note that when discussing or even imagining the possibilities of growing plants elsewhere in the universe they used the term “Earth-like planet”.

They have already conducted some experiments utilizing soil that is similar to that of Mars and it seems that “Martian berries will be tasty”. Not only that but another experiment indicated that “fries cooked on Jupiter would be the best in the solar system”.

To me, this is all the stuff of fiction like that 2015 movie, “The Martian” which starred Matt Damon.   The most interesting (and humorous) takeaway was what was deemed a crucial focus of all of this scientific experimentation. Forget about berries and fries. This is the really important question and it’s a direct quote from the PS article.
“So how do we identify known exoplanets as potential future homes for great-tasting chocolate?”


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A Large Order of Jupiter Fries, Please!

In movies, people can grow food on a planet other than earth. But it's "fiction". Not science. However, some scientists are serious about experimenting with plants growing in soil similar to the kind of dirt one would find on Mars or Jupiter.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Food Spotlight : Capsicum Annuum (Peppers)

My late sister liked bell peppers. Me? I never paid any attention. It was an ingredient in a recipe. Fine! If it wasn’t in the recipe, I never missed it. To me, if I had celery why did I need bell pepper? Moved from Florida to Texas and in this state, particularly in two cities where I lived (El Paso and Austin), the folks love their fajitas, which is made with small pieces of meat (chicken, beef or pork), and chunks of veggies, mainly onions and bell peppers. Bell peppers in all different colors. I must say they make the dish pretty.

Anyway! I like fajitas. If it weren’t for this dish I don’t think I would have even realized that different color peppers exist and also have different flavors. For example, the red bell pepper actually tastes sweeter than the green bell pepper. The green pepper if you put too much in a recipe can taste kind of bitter. I blame my ignorance on a family tradition. My mom only bought green bell peppers. My sister only bought green bell peppers. So? I only bought green bell peppers. I learned by example. It’s not my fault! I watch a lot of cooking shows and once heard one of the TV chefs say that a red bell pepper has more vitamin C than an orange. Did you know that? Coming from Florida I was inclined not to believe that. But even though it’s true, I would still rather have an orange. Wouldn’t you?

I also recently discovered that there was such a thing as purple bell pepper. There is a website called There is even a sweet chocolate organic pepper. I’m not sure I want to try it. But if you’re brave enough, go for it!

There seems to be a little confusion over the use of the word capsicum. In my mind, that is. I always thought capsicum was the word used for a hot red pepper. But I was watching an Indian chef on TV and she used the word “capsicum” for the dish she was preparing, however, she was talking about bell pepper. I was confused but an Indian guy on a Q&A site called Quora clarified the difference between the bell pepper and capsicum. It turns out that we are both right!

I am not really a huge fan of bell peppers. But I can live with them. So if a recipe calls for the ingredient, I prefer to use RED.

What about you?
♦ ♦ ♦

* * *

Grocery Shopping on Amazon ~
The Best Fresh Peppers in Best Sellers.

Content Source

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Strawberries or Blueberries? Pineberry or Pink Lemonade? Choose!

Life is full of difficult decisions. As if it isn't hard enough to choose between whether to grow strawberries or blueberries. There are these two exquisitely delicious variations of these fruits and you have to choose.

White Carolina Pineberry Plant VS 
Pink Lemonade Blueberry Plant.

Let's Discuss.

If you are a gardener and you like strawberries, then you might like to try planting the White Carolina Pineberry plant. It tastes like pineapple and strawberry TOGETHER! If you can imagine that. Sounds so exotic, doesn’t it? (Although some people describe it as weird.)


  • Can a fruit which tastes like strawberry and pineapple be bad?
  • Great gift idea for gardeners
  • People might be impressed if they saw it in your garden
  • Can be dipped in chocolate like the red strawberry
  • Natural Medicine endorses it as a healthy food


  • Uh? Any fruit claiming to be a strawberry “relative” should be RED.  (O.o)  What?  It's not red!!
  • Need to be a good gardener

* Learn more: Specialty Produce: Pineberries

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

Do you like lemonade? I do. What I like about lemonade is that you can vary this drink recipe and make it even better adding another fruit. Do you like blueberries? Well then there is no reason why you wouldn’t love the Pink Lemonade Blueberry plant.


  • For people who always wanted blueberries to be PINK
  • Has been suggested for people who are NOT gardeners
  • Great gift idea for gardeners and non-gardeners
  • People might be impressed if they saw them in your garden
  • Can still be used to make blueberry pancakes


  • Any fruit claiming to be a blueberry “relative” should be BLUE.  (O.o)  What?  It's not blue!!

* Learn more: Specialty Produce: Pink Lemonade Blueberries
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

♦  White Carolina Pineberry Plant

♦  Pink Lemonade Blueberry Plant

Friday, June 5, 2020

Practical Food Storage Tips to Avoid Waste

Countless consumer reports indicate that Americans waste a lot of food. Sadly, even during the coronavirus pandemic, food was wasted. In defense of the consumer Americans, there was a breakdown in the supply and delivery logistics. Fortunately, a few smart young folks got together with the farmers and fixed the problem. (Not-for-profit FarmLink.)

For many, the food gets wasted because they just don't know how to store the food properly. Like the typical mom, I always told my kids not to waste food. They don’t always listen and sometimes they throw away food that could have been given away. Ah well! They can never accuse me of not practicing what I preach. I do my best to store food properly so that it does not spoil or waste. Below are a few practical tips for food storage.

Do you have a particular food storage method you use a lot? (Freezing, canning, dehydration, etc.)

Content previously published on

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Mystery Oreo Cookies Taste Like What?

Please!  Please!  Please!  NO!  I'm not imitating James Brown, the late great godfather of soul.  But I am begging!  Please!  Oreos are as American as apple pie!  Per Wikipedia:
In the United States, they were sold for 25 cents a pound (453 g) in novelty cans with clear glass tops. The first Oreo was sold onMarch 6, 1912, to a grocer in Hoboken, New Jersey. The Oreo Biscuit was renamed in 1921, to "Oreo Sandwich." A new design for the cookie was introduced in 1924.

Please don't mess with Oreos!

During the year (2017), there was a controversy about rainbow Oreos.  I survived it.

Now Oreo reveals its mystery flavor and "many tweeted that the cookie tasted like Fruity Pebbles or orange creamsicle".  

WHAT??!  I object!

Whatever!  Forget about it!  ☺❤

People do have different tastes and there is lots of food diversity to go around the world ten times over.  As long as Oreos can be used for world peace, it's all good.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Food Blog Spotlight : From My Own Kitchen: Pomegranate Milkshake (Reblog)

Years back I started a pinboard dedicated to pomegranates. (See board description below.) I heart pomegranates.  Pinned this post to my pinboard and I am also reblogging the link here.  "From My Own Kitchen" is a wonderful food blog.  The post archives date back to 2012. Have you ever had a pomegranate milkshake?

Here are a few more pomegranate recipes found at the same blog.

Check out my collection of POMEGRANATES on Pinterest  (Recipes, products made with pomegranates, pomegranates in art, etc.)
DESCRIPTION:  Pomegranates: wonder fruit; super food; delicious! ~ Researched the history of this exquisite exotic wonderful fruit and fell in love with it! ~ As if the crimson red color were not enough to make me hopelessly devoted. ~ Now on a mission to find and share all things foodie for this fruity delight! ~ ~ Board maintained by

Do You Know the Truth About Pomegranates?
Take a 
fun quiz.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Rainbow-colored Oreo filled with controversy ~ Whatever!!

When it comes to rainbows, nobody loves them more than me.  Have loved rainbows all my life and don't plan to stop even if people try to whip up a controversy surrounding them.  That's how I feel about rainbows.  

First I saw a tweet posted by @ItsFoodPics, and then saw a YouTube video titled "Rainbow-colored Oreo filled withcontroversy".  Seriously?

Controversy?  Oh no!  More like extreme upset!

I'm extremely upset because when I tried to shop for rainbow Oreo cookies online I couldn't find them!!  WHAT??!!  They're not for sale!!  WHY?!

How I feel about rainbows is the same way I feel about Oreo cookies.  Don't even think of trying to separate me from some Oreos and a glass of cold milk. 💕

I'm making a public statement. It's a shout out!  Nobody, anywhere in the world, should ever use rainbows or Oreo cookies to stir up controversy.

Oreos can be used for world peace!

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Work-at-home professional since 2007.


Treathyl Fox aka Cmoneyspinner – Home Business Entrepreneur.  Think. Dream. Focus. Believe in yourself? Hire yourself! Be your own boss! Do it! Self-employed and loving it!   ♦ DISCLOSURE: In compliance with FTC rules and guidelines, be advised that some links shared via my my websites and blogs might contain affiliate referral links which means commissions might be earned if product sales resulted from your click-through to the vendor’s website. Contact or Connect via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, HUBPages, or Medium.