Showing posts with label embedded Tweets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label embedded Tweets. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2025

Foodie Friday : Winter Salad Binging

There's #FoodieFriday, #FollowFriday, #FriendlyFollow … whatever! It's the weekend!  Just pick a food and drink topic to share and run with it! 

Connie Guttersen, author, dietitian, nutritionist, a lady on Twitter (@ConnieGuttersen) inspired me to pick salad for my topic.  She shared a Tweet (below) about all the different kinds of lettuce that are “worthy”.  Appreciated the info, but from there it was a leap into “winter salads”. Why? Because during the cold months, salad is not always on my menu. Bowls and bowls of warm and hearty soups. Yes!  But salad? Not so much.  That has to change.

Raw Vegan Blood Orange Winter Salad Recipe (

Click for More Winter Salad Recipes

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Food Blurb: Herbs and Spices: 3 Spices for a Long Life

Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao), is a board-certified anti-aging expert who asserts that there are 3 spices that promote longevity. That’s right. They can help you live longer. Ginger, evergreen, and garlic.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Food Blurb: Herbs and Spices: 6 Spices For Indian Cuisine

If you love Indian cuisine and want to learn how to cook Indian food then to get started you should have these 6 spices in your kitchen cabinet:
  1. turmeric, 
  2. saffron, 
  3. ginger, 
  4. cumin, 
  5. coriander (seed or powder), and 
  6. cardamon


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mushroom: Real Food of Fantasy and Fairy Tales

When one says the word “mushroom” it might provoke various thoughts. Psychedelic dreams.  Fantasy and fairy tales.  Tiny homes for whimsical creatures.  A meat substitute for vegans and vegetarians.

For me, it provokes a memory of a romantic dinner date.  My first experience tasting a mushroom was when my late husband (my fiancé at the time) prepared dinner for me.  Steak with mushroom gravy. 

Before meeting my husband, I avoided mushrooms for two reasons.

~Number 1:  My mother never used them in any of her recipes.  Mom didn’t cook them. (???)  Maybe they don’t taste good.  (O.o)

~Number 2:  The way people describe mushrooms.  Fungus.  Toadstool.  They don’t make the mushroom sound appetizing or visually appealing.

However, many cooks and chefs use the mushroom as the main ingredient in their recipes.  Foodies are happy to share photos of amazing dishes where mushrooms are the star of the show.  

As for being visually appealing, mushrooms are quite beautiful. 

Artists often use them to illustrate fantasies. 

Nature photographers go insane! They capture incredible pics just roaming through the woods or the fields.

My first time eating mushrooms was over 40 years.  But from that day forward, I didn’t need convincing to make mushrooms a part of my diet.  However, in case you do, perhaps this health article by Popular Science will persuade you.  “4 reasons you should eat more mushrooms”.

It's good to know these reasons why, but the most important thing everybody needs to know about mushrooms is that some of them are NOT edible.  No doubt you will find these information links useful.

10 of the World's Deadliest Mushrooms -

  • 14 Types of Mushrooms and their Uses – Epicurious



    Content first appeared at

    Tuesday, May 14, 2024

    Cool Foodies and Food Lovers Celebrating Their “Firsts” on Twitter

    Happy Friday! (It's FoodieFriday!)  Always searching for like-minded food lovers and found people celebrating their “firsts”. First food blog post. The first food article was accepted at a major site. Etc. Here are their tweets. Interesting variation. French food; Health / Energy Food tips; Asian food; Vegan recipes; and Food Photography. 

    (NOTE:  Shared posts were dated 2016. UPDATED LINKS 2024.)

    Wish them continued success!

    My first post was published on The Huffington Post :)
    Karen Wojciechowski (@RealEnergyFood)

    if y'all like asian food then you should go check out my blog! my first post is up ayyyy
    varanica (@vkhy) October 7, 2016

    * *

    Friday, February 23, 2024

    Salt is Beautiful

    Salt is so commonplace that we tend to take it for granted. It is much more than just a food seasoning. People have very interesting ways in which they use it. Despite the fact that many say it’s bad for your health, it’s not really all that bad.

    This seasoning is invaluable to our daily lives and it has amazing health benefits. It also has a spiritual application. Jesus likened His disciples to “the salt of the earth”.

    No doubt in my mind. Salt is beautiful.

    #1 Salt in History

    #2 Salt in Peaceful Protest

    #3 Salt in Health

    #4 Too Much Salt is Not Good

    #5 Salt Sampler

    #6 Salt Shakers

    Click to continue viewing “More Salt LUV” 
    #7 Jada Chicken Salt is Becoming Popular
    #8 Salt in Therapy
    #9 Salt Lamps Make Great Gifts
    #10 Vegan Sea Salt Caramel Ice Cream

    Tuesday, August 8, 2023

    Are the Foods You Love to Eat on a List?

    FOOD! This topic has so much variety that one of my friends suggested the best 2 words to describe it is “food diversity”. Diversity is right. People love sharing recipes. Nutritionists and medical practitioners share information about health benefits, health tips, and healthy eating. Others like to go on a sort of “food safari” and talk about all the bizarre foods they discovered.

    #1 Top 10 List of Superfoods

    EatingWell publishes a free newsletter and you can receive articles with weight loss tips and healthy recipes. They published a top 10 list of superfoods you can and should eat every day The great thing about this list is there is a superfood (or super drink) that can please everybody in my house. My daughters love tea. My husband loves oranges. And I love sweet potato!

    #2 Medical Advice About Superfoods

    For contrast and comparison, another listing of superfoods was published via Medical News Today and it shares insightful information about the health benefits and about taking supplements.

    #3 WARNING: Delicacies Can Be Dangerous!

    Many people are blessed to travel the world and get introduced to new foods they have never tasted or even heard of. Here is some advice you should never ignore. In some countries, certain foods may be considered “delicacies” but … “Prepare them wrong and you can die!” Some foods don't even require preparation because they are eaten raw. My first time seeing this fruit was when I visited The Bahamas to meet my husband's parents. I tasted it. It was delicious. So it was a shock to see that star fruit was on this list of "dangerous foods". Who knew?

    #4 100 Healthiest Foods ~ Is Your Favorite Food on the List?

    It's great to review a Top 10 List of healthy foods to eat. But a list of the Top 100 healthy foods gives you more to choose from. That's 10 times YUM! YUM! Pomegranates, one of my favorite fruits is on this list. Spirulina is also on the list. To my surprise, certain meats, like bison, are also on the list.

    Original source:

    Monday, April 24, 2023

    Recipe Sharing for Barbecue Lovers

    There are two particular foods that I know most people all around the world enjoy. Pizza and barbecue!! A couple of these wonderful recipes came to me via eMail. If you're vegan or vegetarian, no worries. Threw in a recipe for you too! I love recipe sharing. Let me know if you try them or if you've already tried them! If you want to share other recipes, feel free!

    Content first appeared at, July 27, 2017.



    Friday, March 24, 2023

    Foodie Friday: What is your favorite sweet treat? (Mine is cheesecake.)

    We all like a delightful sweet treat every once in a while. Call it a guilty pleasure. Call it an indulgence. Call it pampering yourself because you earned it, you deserve it, you're worth it!

    There are so many different reasons for enjoying a sweet treat AND there are so many different sweet treats to choose from. Surely everyone has a favorite. Mine is cheesecake.

    There was once a time when I could just say cheesecake. But now the question is asked: Americancheesecake or Japanese cheesecake? I'm like: WHAT??

    OK. So now my response is modified. My favorite sweet treat is American cheesecake. Although, Japanese cheesecake is pretty good too!

    Cheesecake is my favorite sweet treat. What's yours?

    1. Cheesecake (American or Japanese)
    2. Ice cream or Sherbet
    3. Popsicles
    4. Pudding
    5. Candy
    6. Jello
    7. Chocolate ANYTHING!
    8. Pie or Cake (other than cheesecake)
    9. Not on the list (See comments)
    10. Don't like sweet. Prefer SALTY.
    Please leave comments.

    With the exception of one of the tweet shares, the rest of the tweets focus on Japanese cheesecake (in case you're interested).

    * * *

    Thursday, September 8, 2022

    Food Blurb: Herbs and Spices: 5 Exotic Spices

    Asafetida, dried avocado leaves, epazote, grains of paradise, and juniper berries are 5 wonderful cooking ingredients. Which country should we thank for introducing these 5 exotic spices to the global community of food lovers?

    • "Asafoetida was familiar in the early Mediterranean, having come by land across Iran." (Source)
    • Dried avocado leaves are a secret Mexican ingredient.  (Source)
    • "The epazote herb is commonly used in the cuisines and traditional medicines of central and southern Mexico and Guatemala." (Source)
    • "Grains of paradise are native to Africa's West coast, namely the countries Ghana, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo and Nigeria." (Source)
    • "The juniper is an evergreen tree native to Europe, Asia, and the northern parts of North America and it is especially abundant in central Texas and Eastern Oregon." It has an interesting history and folklore. (Source)


    Thursday, September 30, 2021

    Awful Things Americans Do With Pumpkins (Humor and Recipe-sharing)

    I used to watch a cooking show called “Two Fat Ladies” They were British. Once day they making dishes using pumpkin. One of them remarked, something to the effect: “The pumpkin is wonderful. But Americans do all sorts of horrible things with it like … make pumpkin pie.”

    I'm an American. I got a chuckle out of the comment. Not only do we make pies with pumpkin, but we also make bread!


    Marvelous recipes from an awesome food blog called The Cookie Rookie.

    Oatmeal Pumpkin Bread with Apple Cider Sauce

    Pumpkin Pie Monkey Bread Recipe

    Friday, July 16, 2021

    Foodie Friday : Edible Flowers

    From time to time I randomly choose food topics, publish posts and tag them “Foodie Friday”. I have been doing research on edible flowers and that's what this Foodie Friday post is about.

    When I was a child we (my sibling, my friends, and me) ate the hibiscus flowers that grew in the front yard of my childhood home. Don't know why but the thought never occurred that there were lots and lots of edible flowers. Then one day I was watching a TV cooking show. It was Rachel Ray. She made this dish, garnished it with flowers, and pointed out that the flowers were not just for decoration. You could eat them! Part of me was happy and wondered what they tasted like. The other part of me was sad because the food was just so pretty. I hated to destroy the work of art. 

    Anyway. The more I explore, the more I find. A fellow food lover who contributes articles to an online writing community where I have been a member for almost 10 years, published a list of 25 Flowers You Can Eat. At the end of the article, she shared a link and I made an amazing foodie discovery: Crystallized Flowers. The recipe is so simple. You don't have to be a professional baker or pastry chef and you can decorate all kinds of desserts with them.
    • ImPORTaNT CooKING TiP: Use organic flowers that have not been sprayed with pesticides. 
    I am very pleased with the progress of my research project. Hope you are happy with my findings as well.

    Friday, July 2, 2021

    Foodie Friday : Experience the Joy of Salsa

    This week's Foodie Friday focus is on salsa!

    * * *
    La Salsa Speciale del Chef ~

    There was once a time when the recipe for fresh salsa was simply diced tomatoes, onions, green bell peppers, lime juice, red pepper or a jalapeno pepper, salt to taste; cilantro, optional. I love salsa!  It's a great way to eat your veggies.  Several years back, I moved into a new neighborhood and was at the local grocery store. Walked down an aisle and on the shelves were bottles of every kind of salsa imaginable.

    Some of them were made with sweet fruits like mangoes and peaches! Oh the wonder of it all! Had no idea salsa came in that many flavors. Gave me all kinds of foodie ideas. Sharing some recipes.

    Why keep all these delicious delights to myself?

    Originally published at Persona Paper on Jul 3, 2015.

    Sharing a bit of salsa heaven!  
    Recipes found around the web.

    Wild Beet Salad Company makes Wild Beet Salsa

    Recipe: Roasted Pineapple Salsa (thekitchn .com)

    Blackened Tomatillo Poblano Salsa With Habanero

    17 Savory Salsa Recipes

    Mango Pomegranate & Tender Coconut Salsa

    Apple Salsa – Spicy, Fresh, Perfect for Fall

    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Food Blurb: Medical Advice About Super foods

    For contrast and comparison, another listing of superfoods was published via Medical News Today and it shares insightful information about the health benefits and about taking supplements.

    ♦ ♦  Superfood Kitchen: Cooking with Nature's Most Amazing Foods (Julie Morris's Superfoods)  


    Wednesday, May 19, 2021

    Food Blurb: Top 10 List of Superfoods

    EatingWell publishes a free newsletter and you can receive articles with weight loss tips and healthy recipes. They published a top 10 list of superfoods you can and should eat every day The great thing about this list is there is a superfood (or super drink) that can please everybody in my house. My daughters love tea. My husband loves oranges. And I love sweet potato! 

    ♦ ♦  Nourishing Superfood Bowls: 75 Healthy and Delicious Gluten-Free Meals to Fuel Your Day

    Image credit:  A Super Awesome Bowl!
