Showing posts with label embedded Tweets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label embedded Tweets. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Exotic Fruit: Do You Heart Pomegranates?

Do you love pomegranates? I know I do! I would even like to start a movement with the goal of adding pomegranates to the traditional American Thanksgiving cornucopia.  (Care to participate in the Thanksgiving cornucopia POLL and cast your vote? )

Pomegranates are so exotic and enjoy an exotic history!   Indeed it is the food of myth and legends.

They are the wonder food of ancient civilizations like Persia and Israel.  

In fact, in ancient Greece, pomegranates were considered an aphrodisiac.  

Two respected modern publications - The Globe and Mail, “Canada’s #1 national newspaper” and The NHS in England – both claim that the claims that pomegranates are a “superfood” can be proven.

Shared the link via my post stream on Google Plus stream, but in case you didn't see it there, view it here. If you are on Pinterest, please visit my pinboard dedicated to POMEGRANATES? Started the board a couple of years ago and to date, it has 100 pins: recipes (food and drinks), beauty and healthcare products, etc. 

 Blueberry Pomegranate - $5.00
Our Blueberry Pomegranate tea has a round fruity taste with a sweet and slightly tart finish. A wonderfully refreshing treat, perfect for any occasion! Floral, Sweet, Fruity

 Green Pomegranate - Award Winning - $5.00
Select organic green tea hand tossed in a large wok, dried to perfection, then carefully blended with organic raspberries and essence of pomegranate. Sweeten the senses with a tart and tangy rush to the palate. Also available in our Eco Pyramid Teabags here. Fruity, Sweet, Tart

Pomegranate juice in glass and pomegranates  on white
© Photographer: Svetamart | Agency:

Friday, July 12, 2019

Fabulous Food Finds on Twitter ~ What's Being Tweeted for "Foodie Friday"

I love the post series I publish at this foodie blog that is tagged "Foodie Friday".  These are my 3 favorite posts so far.

Let's Do Sushi! Keep It Kosher!

For this Foodie Friday I decided to share what other bloggers posts on Twitter.  #FoodieFriday is a very popular hashtag.  Hope you like my shares.  Do you share content on social media with this hashtag??  Let me know in the comments.









Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Mystery Oreo Cookies Taste Like What?

Please!  Please!  Please!  NO!  I'm not imitating James Brown, the late great godfather of soul.  But I am begging!  Please!  Oreos are as American as apple pie!  Per Wikipedia:
In the United States, they were sold for 25 cents a pound (453 g) in novelty cans with clear glass tops. The first Oreo was sold onMarch 6, 1912, to a grocer in Hoboken, New Jersey. The Oreo Biscuit was renamed in 1921, to "Oreo Sandwich." A new design for the cookie was introduced in 1924.

Please don't mess with Oreos!

During the year (2017), there was a controversy about rainbow Oreos.  I survived it.

Now Oreo reveals its mystery flavor and "many tweeted that the cookie tasted like Fruity Pebbles or orange creamsicle".  

WHAT??!  I object!

Whatever!  Forget about it!  ☺❤

People do have different tastes and there is lots of food diversity to go around the world ten times over.  As long as Oreos can be used for world peace, it's all good.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Tropickles! OR Tropickles? Walmart's Idea for Satisfying Cravings

Not sure if this is an idea who time has come or what!  Yes, I know lots of pregnant ladies crave pickles and ice cream.  But can you ever remember anybody craving fruit punch flavored pickles?  Not sure how the foodie folks at Walmart came up with this idea.  Maybe there were a bunch of pregnant ladies working in that department.  ☺

As usual, PopSugar is on top of things all thing food-related and has published a review of this product.

Chowhound also has something to say about them.

“As unconventional as it may sound, this unlikely flavor combination is one for the books. Tangy-sweet bread and butter pickle juice against a salty peanut butter topping makes for an incredibly rich, balanced ice-cream-eating experience.”

A 24 oz. jar less than $2.  
Are your curious to try them?
Great Value Tropickles at Walmart.

I shop at Walmart a lot. But when it comes to strange and exotic foods, I try to talk my kids into trying them out first.  What?  I got the idea from an old cereal commercial I used to watch on TV where kids were curious to try a new cereal and the way they tested it was to coax their baby brother into eating it first.  If he liked it then it must be OK.  So?  If it's a new food product?  If my kids like it, then it must be OK!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Foodie Friday : It's Flipping Foodie Friday!

Are your weeks flying by fast or is it just me? Feels like it was a #FoodieFriday just a couple of days ago.  One week passed already and it's time for another post!

So this is what I'm sharing. Ever hear of Flipboard?

Heard of it. Tried it. Got confused because of my pea-sized brain and gave up on it! It's a good thing that my online friends are persistent. One fellow blogger says she is using this fantastic tool and enjoying much success! She was so bubbly and energetic, I decided to have at it one more time!  Eureka!  I DID IT!!

This time I created my Flipboard account ( ) and a brand new magazine. See content below.

My I Like Eating Channel on Flipboard

Tweeted it out for Foodie Friday. ( When I finally get something to work right, I have to brag! :) )

Just before I got started, received a link to an article in my eMail that explained how easy it was to publish successfully on Flipboard.  That really made things clear. After my account and my magazine were both created, I add the bookmarklet sharing tool to my browser bookmarks bar. From that point forward, it's all been smooth sailing.

Did a search on Twitter with the terms “#FoodieFriday, Flipboard”. The results are fabulous! Wish there were more. Nevertheless … Enjoy! :)

My other #FoodieFriday posts? 

About the Blog Publisher

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Work-at-home professional since 2007.


Treathyl Fox aka Cmoneyspinner – Home Business Entrepreneur.  Think. Dream. Focus. Believe in yourself? Hire yourself! Be your own boss! Do it! Self-employed and loving it!   ♦ DISCLOSURE: In compliance with FTC rules and guidelines, be advised that some links shared via my my websites and blogs might contain affiliate referral links which means commissions might be earned if product sales resulted from your click-through to the vendor’s website. Contact or Connect via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, HUBPages, or Medium.