Showing posts with label health and wellness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health and wellness. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2024

Why Your New Year’s Resolution Should Be to Eat More Fiber

The start of a new year is a great time to check in with yourself and think about how you want to improve for the year ahead. But unfortunately, many New Year’s resolutions aren’t realistic and wind up lasting just two to three weeks. Here’s a resolution that’s easy to stick to and can also make a big difference in your overall health and wellness: eat more fiber

Fiber can play an important role in reaching your health and wellness goals. 

It’s probably best known for its ability to help keep your digestive system moving, but there are other benefits as well – like helping to promote a feeling of fullness.  Even with fiber’s well-known health benefits, nine out of 10 Americans aren’t getting enough in their daily diet, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2015-2016.  Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN thinks she knows why.

"Fiber can be confusing," Harris-Pincus explains. "I think many people have experienced tummy trouble when they ate too much fiber and it overwhelmed their digestive system. With a simple strategy of introducing fiber slowly, they can receive all the health benefits without any discomfort."  

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that women get 25 grams and men get 38 grams of fiber every day, but most only average 15 grams. Instead of aiming for 25-38 grams on Day One, Harris-Pincus has some tips on how you can make this resolution stick:

* Only increase your fiber intake by three to five grams each day. That way, you give your body time to adjust.

* Mix in high-fiber foods with your regular diet. As you’re ramping up your fiber intake, start by adding fiber to foods you already eat. It could be as simple as adding a high-fiber cereal to a yogurt parfait or adding nuts and berries to your salad.

* Drink more water. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water, so make sure you drink plenty of fluids to help carry the fiber through your body. By eating more fiber and drinking more water, you’re helping your digestive system do its job more efficiently.

* Find a great-tasting fiber you love. Instead of viewing fiber as a chore, or something you "have to" eat, find a high-fiber option that you can look forward to eating.

"I think everyone has this idea of fiber as bland and boring," Harris-Pincus says. "But what people don’t realize is that there are tons of great-tasting, high-fiber foods. The easiest place to start is with your morning cereal."  

Fiber One has introduced a fiber-rich cereal that, well, doesn’t taste like a fiber-rich cereal. EXAMPLE:  Fiber One Strawberries and Vanilla Clusters is made with real strawberries and sweet vanilla clusters, but still contains 35 percent of the Daily Value of fiber in every one-cup serving. No pills, nothing to stir, just real food that makes fiber something you can enjoy eating.  And for when you’re ready to increase your fiber intake even more, Fiber One Honey Clusters has 40 percent of the Daily Value of fiber, and Fiber One Original Bran has 55 percent.

Beyond cereal, Harris-Pincus recommends eating whole fruits and vegetables, leaving the skin on things like apples and potatoes. Beans and legumes are another excellent source of fiber, so don’t shy away from the black beans in your fajitas. For easy snacks, popcorn is another fiber-rich option with four grams of fiber in just three cups of popcorn.

"Fiber really is overlooked, which is a shame because it can be this great-tasting, powerhouse nutrient," Harris-Pincus explains. "New Year’s resolutions are usually all about cutting calories or increasing protein, when in reality fiber can do all these amazing things for your body. You just have to start eating more of it to realize the benefits." 


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Diet and Nutrition: Do You Know What Gives You Energy?

When it comes to being health and fitness conscious, making quality of life choices, and developing healthy living habits, citizens of Austin, Texas, set the example for everyone else to follow; including the Californians. { IMHO ☺}

Do you know which foods give you energy or what you can do to get more energy?

(No. Eating donuts and watching TV are not on the list.)

Sharing a recap of key facts to pique your interest and some information links on health, wellness, fitness, diet, nutrition, and exercise for further reading and research.

According to Tori Jarzabkowski, Austin Fit Magazine, there are five foods that fuel the body or give you energy. 
(1) Matcha Tea 
(2) Bone Broth 
(3) Fermented Foods 
(4) Coconut Sugar 
(5) Seaweed Snacks

REFERENCE: Jarzabkowski, Tori. "Nutrition Trends for 2015." Austin Fit Magazine: Best of 2014 Issue Jan. 2015: 22-23. Print. AFM Issue #207. Est. 1997. Official website: 

Lynnis Woods-Mullins, CEO of Praiseworks, Inc. offers her advice on ways you can get more energy.
(1) Water-hydration 
(2) Exercise (just a brisk walk) 
(3) Super foods 
(4) Detox green smoothies 
(5) Aromatherapy  

REFERENCE: 5 Ways To Get More Energy - NOW! 

* * *

I don't know about you but it would be very easy to get into the healthy habit of drinking green smoothies (or any smoothie for that matter) in the morning for breakfast and then enjoying a delightful cup of green tea in the afternoon or the evenings.

RAW VEGAN On The Fast Lane: The 60-Second Power Smoothie Handbook

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Sunday, April 14, 2024

General Health Tips : 7 Best Foods for People Over 50

Life stages simplified:
  • Growth and development? Youth and adolescence.
  • Procreation and maintenance? Young adult – 20 something plus 30 years.
  • Disease prevention and keeping body systems working? Congratulations! You've reached the 50 and beyond mark!

What is an ideal anti-aging shopping list for someone 50 or over? 


1. Green Leafy Vegetables
  • fight DNA damage that may lead to cancer;
  • reduce your risk of chronic eye diseases;
  • suppress the amino acid homocysteine which is important for brain health.

2. Kefir or Yogurt
  • source of calcium, needed for bone;
  • choose plain, low-sugar varieties, ideally made from grass-fed milk.

3. Whey Protein
  • counteract loss of muscle mass and strength.
  • easily absorbed and supports muscle growth and repair.
  • add to smoothies or mix with milk for a quick shake.

4. Wild-Caught Seafood
  • best sources of omega-3 fats, fights inflammation and supports brain health, heart health and more.

5. Berries
  • high in fiber and antioxidants;
  • should be called “super berries” because of all the health benefits.

6. Olive Oil
  • heart-healthy monounsaturated fat can lower risk of heart disease;
  • controls insulin levels and blood sugar;
  • provides vitamins E and K.

7. Dark Chocolate (the darker, the better)
  • rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds
  • lowers risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even abdominal obesity;
  • satisfies your sweet tooth. :)

DISCLAIMER: Information above not intended to substitituted for medical advice. General information purposes only. If you found the summary above useful and would like to read the extended version of the article or find other health-related writings, click here to peruse the full library.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Weight Loss Tips : Can I Drop 10 lbs in 10 Days? YES!

Meet Lynnis Woods-Mullins. 
Made friends with this wonderful lady via Facebook over 5 years ago. She made a major career change in her 50s and never looked back. (See video below.) She's a role model for women in business and it gives me great pleasure to shine the spotlight on her blog ~ PraiseWorks Health and Wellness ~ which focuses on holistic living and wellness tips. 

I am sharing some of her posts below which focus mainly on proper dieting. Her blog has lots more health and wellness advice. It's the first day of a new year and I'm looking forward to continuing my association with her. Her charm and glow give me inspiration and motivation to keep on keeping on!  2018 and beyond!!

How to Increase Your Energy -Avoid the Mid-Day Energy Slump!  ~  Do you ever have the mid-day energy slump? The time of day where your energy just begins to slowly leave your body and all you want to do is sleep? What is happening is your blood sugar is down and you need a quick up to replenish your energy in a healthy way -without drinking a cup of coffee or some other energy drink.  (Post includes great recipe for Energy Green Tea Mango Smoothie.)

PraiseWorks - My Story

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Health and Wellness : Where to Find Advice on Healthy Eating and More!

Many Americans, particularly African-Americans, and Americans who live in "the South" (like TV Chef Paula Deen), suffer from hypertension and diabetes; ailments that they need not suffer from if they would just change their diet! Understanding this, I am sharing a helpful link to this article: The 6 Best Websites to Learn About Healthy Eating; and some other useful links below. 

Healthy Chinese Food Options  (So glad steamed dumplings are number 1 on the list.)

7 Nutrient-Packed Foods to Keep on Hand  (This list contains staples that are plant-based and inexpensive.)

Cutting Calories, Fat, and Salt:


* * *

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Diet and Nutrition: Yet Another Article About Weight Loss

No doubt you have read these or heard them before, but you know what psychologist say about reinforcement. “... reinforcement is a consequence applied that will strengthen an organism's future behavior whenever that behavior is preceded by a specific antecedent stimulus.” (Source)

Here is Some Reinforced Advice to Lose Weight:

Number 1: Weight Loss and Fitness Tips

GQ INDIA published these easy tips, diet hacks and workout routines in the Live Well Section of their online publication tiir. These should help you get started. Intermittent fasting, walking, yoga, and sleeping better are recommended. You should avoid binge-eating but you can swap it with something called “cheat meals”. (Really?)

Easy Weight Loss Tips, Diet Hacks, and Workout Routines

Number 2: Mediterranean Diet? Why not?

Researchers confirm that the main health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet is that it protects against heart diseases. Applying my logic, I say that since everybody has a heart, the Mediterranean Diet must be good for everybody!

Proven Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

Number 3: Counting Calories, Etc. OK!

Yes dieting requires discipline and you have to be diligent in watching what you eat. You might have to count calories. Yeah! It's not like we didn't know that already! But we have to be told because psychologists say humans respond well to clear direction and positive reinforcement in order to push through anything that takes effort. Dieting definitely takes effort! Do you know how to count calories?

Calorie Counting Dos and Donts

Number 4: We All Know SOUP is Good Food!

My first year at university, I loved to hang out with my friends and eat pizza. Lots and lots of pizza! Needless to say I packed on the pounds! I had to come up with a meal that nutritious and filling. Did you know that a bowl of soup can do the trick? Especially if it's a detox soup. Here are 4 Detox Soup Recipes that melt belly fat because they boost metabolism.

Four (4) Life-Changing Detox Soup Recipes

Number 5: Take It Off and Keep It Off! Here’s  How.

Many of us reach our weight loss goals only to gain back the weight. Why? Because we did not maintain the healthy eating and dieting habits we used to lose the weight. How do we take it off and keep it off? Simple. You should “focus on identifying which foods nourish your body and give you the proper fuel you need to live a great life”.

How to Eat Better and Master Your Nutrition 

Hope you found this content useful.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Popular Diets. Which is Best? French, Greek or Japanese?

Eat like zee French!  NO!  Like the Greek!  No No!  Like the Japanese!  

  • Some say eat like the French. They knosh on cheese, drink red wine by the gallon, and cook with butter. They say it’s a healthy diet.

  • Some say eat like the Greeks. It’s that Mediterranean diet. They use lots of olive oil and eat yogurt. It’s a healthy diet.
  • Finally, others say we should eat like the Japanese. They claim the Japanese people live longer because they eat a lot of fish and pickle their vegetables.

Which country's diet have you copied?  Or do you just eat whatever is put on the table and ask no questions?

America’s food scene reflects a lot of cultural diversity so I can eat French, Greek, or Japanese. I don’t know if it will help me live longer, but the food sure does taste good! ☺

Content first published at

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Health : Control Your Appetite : It's All in Your Head

Another discovery has been made in the study of food, health, and science. Credit is being given to Professor Kazuyoshi Ukena of Hiroshima University for identifying NPGL, a protein in our brain which “apparently aims to maintain body mass at a constant, come feast or famine”.

The professor's finding eliminates the excuse of not being able to lose weight and stop yourself from overeating because you don't have any willpower because the mechanisms for appetite control are literally ... all in your head. :)

♦ ♦ ♦

More Interesting Links and Recommended Reading:

Frohlich, Thomas C. "25 Cities With the Healthiest Diets." AOL-HuffPost Money & Finance, 03 May 2017. Web. 09 May 2017.

Fox, Treathyl. "Do You Know What Gives You Energy?" My Shopping Channel., 06 May 2017. Web. 09 May 2017.

Kostyo, Mike. "Datassential: 15 Flavor Trends to Watch in 2017 and beyond." SmartBrief. N.p., 12 Dec. 2016. Web. 09 May 2017.

Insurance Mart and Insurance Smart shares general health info.
For general info purposes. Not to be substituted for medical advice.

Do You Know What Gives You Energy?

When it comes to being health and fitness conscious, making quality of life choices, and developing healthy living habits, citizens of Austin, Texas, set the example for everyone else to follow; including the Californians. { IMHO ☺} Sharing a recap of key facts to peak your interest and some information links on health, wellness, and fitness, diet, nutrition, and exercise for further reading and research.