Showing posts with label republished content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republished content. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2023

Foodie Friday: What is your favorite sweet treat? (Mine is cheesecake.)

We all like a delightful sweet treat every once in a while. Call it a guilty pleasure. Call it an indulgence. Call it pampering yourself because you earned it, you deserve it, you're worth it!

There are so many different reasons for enjoying a sweet treat AND there are so many different sweet treats to choose from. Surely everyone has a favorite. Mine is cheesecake.

There was once a time when I could just say cheesecake. But now the question is asked: Americancheesecake or Japanese cheesecake? I'm like: WHAT??

OK. So now my response is modified. My favorite sweet treat is American cheesecake. Although, Japanese cheesecake is pretty good too!

Cheesecake is my favorite sweet treat. What's yours?

  1. Cheesecake (American or Japanese)
  2. Ice cream or Sherbet
  3. Popsicles
  4. Pudding
  5. Candy
  6. Jello
  7. Chocolate ANYTHING!
  8. Pie or Cake (other than cheesecake)
  9. Not on the list (See comments)
  10. Don't like sweet. Prefer SALTY.
Please leave comments.

With the exception of one of the tweet shares, the rest of the tweets focus on Japanese cheesecake (in case you're interested).

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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Chinese Fortune Cookies as American as Apple Pie

The Chinese fortune cookies are not an Asian invention, but rather an American one.  A conclusion based on my extensive research of Chinese history, tradition and culture (i.e. watching a lot of kung fu movies).  There was a story circulated about rebels in the 13th or 14th century, using them to pass secret messages to each other about their war plans to overthrow the Mongols. Pure fiction. But you must admit that plot sure has the makings of an epic saga.

Alas!  The truth is the Chinese fortune cookie is as American as apple pie, and they make great party favors.  

Would you like to make your own homemade fortune cookies?  

Well, you can!

This Sunbeam kitchen accessory is a must-have.

Content originally published at Daily Two Cents on April 30, 2014.

Pomegranate Homemade Fortune Cookies - What Jew Wanna Eat

Homemade Fortune Cookies are easy to make! (Sort of.) Plus, when you make them yourself, you can make them pink! Did y'all have a great NYE? Did you stay at home and pass out before midnight, or frolic around in a glittery dress drinking champagne out of the bottle?

Friday, December 30, 2022

Why Your New Year’s Resolution Should Be to Eat More Fiber

The start of a new year is a great time to check in with yourself and think about how you want to improve for the year ahead. But unfortunately, many New Year’s resolutions aren’t realistic and wind up lasting just two to three weeks. Here’s a resolution that’s easy to stick to and can also make a big difference in your overall health and wellness: eat more fiber

Fiber can play an important role in reaching your health and wellness goals. 

It’s probably best known for its ability to help keep your digestive system moving, but there are other benefits as well – like helping to promote a feeling of fullness.  Even with fiber’s well-known health benefits, nine out of 10 Americans aren’t getting enough in their daily diet, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2015-2016.  Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN thinks she knows why.

"Fiber can be confusing," Harris-Pincus explains. "I think many people have experienced tummy trouble when they ate too much fiber and it overwhelmed their digestive system. With a simple strategy of introducing fiber slowly, they can receive all the health benefits without any discomfort."  

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that women get 25 grams and men get 38 grams of fiber every day, but most only average 15 grams. Instead of aiming for 25-38 grams on Day One, Harris-Pincus has some tips on how you can make this resolution stick:

* Only increase your fiber intake by three to five grams each day. That way, you give your body time to adjust.

* Mix in high-fiber foods with your regular diet. As you’re ramping up your fiber intake, start by adding fiber to foods you already eat. It could be as simple as adding a high-fiber cereal to a yogurt parfait or adding nuts and berries to your salad.

* Drink more water. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water, so make sure you drink plenty of fluids to help carry the fiber through your body. By eating more fiber and drinking more water, you’re helping your digestive system do its job more efficiently.

* Find a great-tasting fiber you love. Instead of viewing fiber as a chore, or something you "have to" eat, find a high-fiber option that you can look forward to eating.

"I think everyone has this idea of fiber as bland and boring," Harris-Pincus says. "But what people don’t realize is that there are tons of great-tasting, high-fiber foods. The easiest place to start is with your morning cereal."  

Fiber One has introduced a fiber-rich cereal that, well, doesn’t taste like a fiber-rich cereal. EXAMPLE:  Fiber One Strawberries and Vanilla Clusters is made with real strawberries and sweet vanilla clusters, but still contains 35 percent of the Daily Value of fiber in every one-cup serving. No pills, nothing to stir, just real food that makes fiber something you can enjoy eating.  And for when you’re ready to increase your fiber intake even more, Fiber One Honey Clusters has 40 percent of the Daily Value of fiber, and Fiber One Original Bran has 55 percent.

Beyond cereal, Harris-Pincus recommends eating whole fruits and vegetables, leaving the skin on things like apples and potatoes. Beans and legumes are another excellent source of fiber, so don’t shy away from the black beans in your fajitas. For easy snacks, popcorn is another fiber-rich option with four grams of fiber in just three cups of popcorn.

"Fiber really is overlooked, which is a shame because it can be this great-tasting, powerhouse nutrient," Harris-Pincus explains. "New Year’s resolutions are usually all about cutting calories or increasing protein, when in reality fiber can do all these amazing things for your body. You just have to start eating more of it to realize the benefits." 


Friday, November 11, 2022

Foodie Friday: Upside Down Cakes

Do you remember when you first learned how to cook?  Do you remember when you made a dish or a dessert that you thought was impossible to make with your limited culinary skills but when you followed the recipe you ACED IT!!  

I remember when I made my first Pineapple Upside Cake. 

I was a teenager and I was trying to teach myself how to prepare meals for my family, including dessert. I was quite proud of my cake even though I used a cake mix. I had not realized that the part of the recipe I thought was the most difficult ~ that is, getting the pineapple on the bottom to be on the top.  It was so easy! Once I learned what to do I started thinking: 'I can probably do this same recipe with fruit other than pineapple.'  I thought that but I've never done it! I'm not sure what fruit I would substitute for the pineapple.  Although I have seen a cooking videos upside down cakes for other than pineapple.

Below is a link to a great recipe for pineapple upside down cake, if you have never baked one.  And ...???  I'm just curious.  If you have already made such a cake, have you ever made an upside down cake with a fruit other than pineapple??  Mango? Nectarines? Peaches?  Bananas? Apples? Rhubarb?  Some exotic fruit that grows in abundance where you live?


Pineapple Upside Down Cake - Sally's Baking Addiction


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Autumn is here! Is a Season Your Reason to Drink Tea?

My coffee addiction often keeps me from drinking and enjoying a cup of tea. But other members of my household love to brew! They are not tea experts (yet!) and are always experimenting with different flavors – from caramel apple to licorice to green tea to black tea to … on and on and on.

Photo by Gabi Miranda on Unsplash

I found an interesting blog post written by Ryan Frey who works as a GO TO tech guy for ShareASale, Inc., an established affiliate marketing network corporation. He not only knows his tech stuff but his office co-workers also think of him as a tea aficionado. He must be. Why else would he suggest drinking tea according to the seasons of the year?  In his post, How To Brew Different Tea Varieties for Fall, he recommended five (5) tips for how to enjoy your tea during the autumn season. All excellent advice.  A quick summary of the tips is below.

  • 1. Rooibos or “red tea” ... makes a great neutral base for both sweet and nutty flavors. During the Fall, expect to see flavor blends like chestnut, pumpkin, and chai.
  • 2. Black tea is a totally oxidized (but not “fermented” like Pu’erh tea) version of your everyday tea leaves ... like Earl Grey and English Breakfast.
  • 3. Green and white teas are more delicate, partially or unoxidized tea leaves and buds. ... often fruity, sweet, and complex.
  • 4. Herbal teas or “tisanes” are like rooibos, in that they aren’t from the tea plant at all. They contain alternatives like spices, herbs, flowers, and fruit.
  • 5. Try other brewed beverages like Pu’erh tea and Mate.

Hiware Good Glass Teapot with Stainless Steel Infuser & Lid, Borosilicate Glass Teapots Stovetop Safe, 27 Ounce / 800 ml, Clear

What to get for the tea lover who also loves chocolate? Chocolate tea! Numi Organic Tea Chocolate Rooibos


Saturday, October 1, 2022

How Do You Like Them Apples? Like 'Em? I Love 'Em!

In the USA, October is the month we celebrate Halloween, pizza, and apples. I especially like the fact that October is National Apple Month. It was founded as National Apple Week in 1904 and later expanded to the entire month of October. Apples are such a delightful fruit and come in numerous varieties. There is a variety for practically every letter of the alphabet, including the letter Z. The variety is called Zestar.

Apples in Legends, Myths and Folklore

  • Ever Hear of Johnny Appleseed?

From childhood, I have heard all kinds of stories about apples. The story I remember vividly is the one about Johnny Appleseed. As a child I remember hearing the story about a man who walked everywhere in America and everywhere he went, he dropped apple seeds on the ground and apple trees grew. That’s not really true. It is true that he was a real person and not a legend. His real name is John Chapman (1774 – 1845) who became known as Johnny Appleseed. He introduced apple trees to various parts of America such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. It’s not just the fact that he planted the trees which contributed to the environment. He was also a very kindhearted man and became known for his acts of charity, as well as his conservation efforts. It made him somewhat of a folk hero.

Image Credit:  John Chapman (1774 –1845), aka Johnny Appleseed

Other Legends and Myths About Apples

  • Is it in the Bible?

An apple is not mentioned in the Garden of Eden. Neither the Old or New Testament specifically state what the forbidden fruit was that Adam and Eve ate. However, for years people have insisted that it was an apple. Eating it caused them to be driven out of the Garden of Eden. An apple? Not sure why. (O.o)

Non-Biblical Myths

In Greek mythology, it was said that a golden apple is what caused the Trojan War. “The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, after Eris, the goddess of strife and discord, gave them a golden apple, sometimes known as the Apple of Discord, marked 'for the fairest'.”
In Norse mythology, it was believed that apples held the key to immortality. The name of the Norse goddess who was the keeper of the apples was Iðunn. Her name means “ever young”.
The Celtic people buried apples with the dead. To the Celts the apple was sacred and it was associated with rebirth. Excavators have found graves dating back 5,000 years that had petrified apple slices.
In ancient Silesia (now modern-day Poland), people believed if they slept under an apple tree, it would induce dreams; and if a young woman put an apple under her pillow on New Year’s Eve, she would dream of her future husband.

How Do You Like Your Apples?

Apples can be eaten raw. Just pick them right off the tree. Bake them in pies, make cobblers, cookies, brownies, put them in salads, turn them into jelly, and more. My favorite way to enjoy apples? Apple pie. YUM! What about you?

Content previously published via

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Stock Your Kitchen Cabinet or Pantry with Exotic Spices

On September 20, 1519, Portuguese navigator, Ferdinand Magellan (c. 1489-1521), set sail from Spain on a mission to find a western route to the Spice Islands. He reached the coast of South America and then navigated the strait linking the Atlantic and the Pacific which now bears his name, the Strait of Magellan. He crossed the Pacific to the Philippines in1521, where he was killed in a battle with the natives. Juan Sebastian del Cano (c. 1460-1526), a Spanish navigator, stepped into the shoes of Commander after Magellan’s death and returned to Spain in 1522. Three of the five ships Magellan led on the expedition did return to Europe. But what became of the Spice Islands?

The year is 1945 and Indonesia has been proclaimed as a republic. The islands formerly known as the Spice Islands are known today as the Moluccan Islands. No doubt discovering these islands was quite an adventure for the explorers, but these days it is very easy to go on an exotic spice adventure and never leave your kitchen.

Just follow these spice trails:
- Allspice from Jamaica; an essential ingredient in Caribbean cuisine.
- Sweet and aromatic Turkish spices like Anise Seed.
- Organic Mace and Cinnamon sticks from Indonesia.
- Cloves originating from Madagascar.
- Rosemary originating from Spain.
- Herbs such as Dill Weed and Cilantro from Israel.
- Cardamon from Guatemala.
- Nutmeg from the East Indies. (Whole Nutmeg)
- Juniper Berries from Yugoslavia.
- Herbs and spices from India like Fennel, Ginger and Turmeric.
- Tellicherry peppercorns, the fruits of the Brazilian pepper tree.
- Commonly used herbs from France ~ Lavender, Tarragon, and Thyme.
- Brown and Yellow Mustard Seed from Canada.
- Garlic and Basil grown in California, USA.
- Rubbed Sage, an Albanian herb.
- Savory, a dried herb used Central European kitchens.
- Oregano from Greece.
- Caraway Seeds from Holland.
- Hungarian Paprika
- Egyptian Marjoram.

Related Links of Interest
♦ 10 Essential International Spices For Any Kitchen
♦ Top 12 Must-Have Herbs To Grow In Your Kitchen Garden
♦ 5 Best Spices Burn Fat

♦ 3 Spices That Hold the Secrets of Longevity Per Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao)
♦ 10 Best Spices For Healthy Cooking by Matthew Kaplan
♦ 5 Exotic Spices From Around the World by Melisa Marzett

Stock Your Kitchen Cabinet with Exotic Spices

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Food Blurb: Herbs and Spices: 5 Exotic Spices

Asafetida, dried avocado leaves, epazote, grains of paradise, and juniper berries are 5 wonderful cooking ingredients. Which country should we thank for introducing these 5 exotic spices to the global community of food lovers?

  • "Asafoetida was familiar in the early Mediterranean, having come by land across Iran." (Source)
  • Dried avocado leaves are a secret Mexican ingredient.  (Source)
  • "The epazote herb is commonly used in the cuisines and traditional medicines of central and southern Mexico and Guatemala." (Source)
  • "Grains of paradise are native to Africa's West coast, namely the countries Ghana, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo and Nigeria." (Source)
  • "The juniper is an evergreen tree native to Europe, Asia, and the northern parts of North America and it is especially abundant in central Texas and Eastern Oregon." It has an interesting history and folklore. (Source)


Friday, September 2, 2022

Foodie Friday : YACR ( Yet Another Chili Recipe )

Whether or not it's the holiday season, any time is the time of the year folks in Texas love to eat chili.  But for some reason, they really like chili during the Christmas season.  At any rate, it took me years of experimenting to come up with this recipe and,  IMHO, it isn't half-bad.

Chili is Hearty Food. Love a good bowl of chili ?

So many variations on the #recipes for this wonderful comfort food !

In Austin, Texas, Tex-Mex cuisine is everywhere. This may or may not be Tex-Mex tradition but chili is a big deal! Everybody claims to know how to make thee best chili ever!!

After trying out different recipes, finally came up with one of my own that my family enjoyed. In fact, one Christmas holiday (because I know how much Texas folk love their chili), made Christmas cards with my chili recipe and let my daughter give them to her teachers.

So here is the recipe. Sorry. Don't have my own pictures. Took an image from Pixabay that looks similar to mine (only my chili is a little bit thicker and meatier).

* * * Fox's Chili Recipe * * *


1 to 2 lbs lean ground beef(or turkey)
One large yellow onion, coarsely chopped
Chopped red bell pepper (optional)

2 Seasoning (Low Sodium) Envelopes:
- McCormick Taco Seasoning
- McCormick Chili Seasoning
(Adjust to your taste. Don't use the entire packet if you don't want to.)

1 can (15.5 oz) Manwich Original Sloppy Joe Sauce
1 jar (16 oz) of Old El Paso Salsa (Medium heat)
1 small can (8 oz) Hunt's tomato sauce (roasted garlic flavor)
1 large can (32 oz) Bush's dark red kidney beans, drain liquid
1 large can (32 oz) Bush's black beans, drain liquid

High heat, large sauce pan or a dutch oven pot, brown ground meat and drain off any excess fat.

On medium heat add in onions (and bell pepper); and season the meat/onion/bellpepper mixture with the seasoning packets. Mix thoroughly.

Throw in the all the remaining ingredients, lower heat, let cook (about 15 - 20 minutes), stirring occasionally - until all the flavors come together.

Make a huge bowl of salad with: one head of iceberg lettuce, halved grape or cherry tomatoes, and large cucumber, thinly sliced. Avocado (if you can afford it.) Salad dressing? Your choice.

Serve chili in a bowl with the salad as a side.

Lay out the sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, more chopped onions, green onions, red onions, cornbread, tortilla chips, taco shells, whatever you like!

You don't have to use name brand products. I do because the quality of the product is usually consistent, so the recipe should taste the same every time! That's just me. Enjoy!!

Content first published at PersonaPaper, Aug 2015.

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Previous #FoodieFriday posts?

Monday, August 15, 2022

World Cuisine: Four (4) Nigerian Dishes You Must Try (Guest Post)

Nigeria is regarded as the largest black country in the world having over 150 million citizens and over 250 ethnic groups with 3 major ones. Each ethnic group has some peculiar cuisines associated with them. Below are some of these foods and how to prepare them.  This article explores some mouth-watering Nigerian cuisines you should try.

1. Ofada rice with stew: Ofada is a small town in the South-Western part of the country. Its residents are known to be rice farmers hence the rice grown is named after the town. This rice is brownish in colour and sold across the country.

Ingredients: 2 and a half cups ofada rice, 5 cups water, 1 tsp. vegetable oil (optional), 1 tsp. Salt.

Direction to cook includes heat up the 5 cups of water in a pot till it boils, rinse rice thoroughly with cold running water and pour into the pot of boiling water. Add salt and oil. Thereafter, cook for 35 minutes or until its ready (soft to eat).

2. Pounded yam and melon soup (egusi): This delicacy is also known among the south-western Yoruba people. The ingredients for 2 servings include 1 tuber of yam, 2 cups of ground melon, fresh tomatoes, fresh pepper, 1 medium-size ice fish, Palm oil, onion, stock cube, 1 tsp of salt, 1 small bunch ugwu leaf.

Direction to cook: Peel, wash and boil yam till its well-cooked. Pound in a mortar with a pestle, mould into balls and set aside. Add little water to ground egusi in a pot to form a thick paste with blended pepper, onion and tomatoes. Stir the mixture and allow to cook before adding palm oil. Pour in some water to lighten the soup if too thick, stock cubes, salt to taste and your fried ice fish. Finally, add chopped ugwu leaf and allow to cook for 5 minutes. Serve pounded yam and egusi soup.

Afang Soup:  Yemisi Ogbe, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

3. Afang soup
is eaten by the Efikis/Ibibio people of Nigeria. This soup has a bit of bitter taste but highly nutritious and tasty.

Ingredients are Smoked fish, beef or assorted meat, ground crayfish, periwinkle (optional), Afang Leaves (dry or fresh), Water leaves (Alternatively, lamb lettuce or Spinach), Palm oil, Stock cubes, Fresh pepper or ground dried pepper (to taste) and Salt to taste.

Direction to cook: wash and cut Afang leaves, pound or blend it and set aside then slice the water leaves and also set aside. Cook until tender the assorted meat, smoked fish or beef and stockfish with chopped onions, one stock cube/seasoning cube and salt to taste. Then clean the dried fish in hot water, remove the bones to avoid choking while eating and add the fish to the pot of cooked meat. Add the Palm oil, pepper, ground crayfish and stock cube to the pot. Mix well and then add periwinkles (if you are using any). Add salt to taste. Cover the pot and leave to boil for about 12 minutes. After 12 minutes, add the Afang leaves, leave to simmer for 3 to 5 minutes and then add the water leaves. Afang soup is ready to be served hot with Starch, Pounded Yam, Wheat meal, Eba, Fufu, Semolina, Amala,

4. Tuwo shinkafa is popular throughout the northern parts of Nigeria. It is a unique dish consisting of rice flour or soft, short-grained rice and water.

Ingredients: 1 cup white rice (non-parboiled) and 3 cups water

Direction to cook: Wash the non-parboiled rice to a pot. Add water to the rice and let it cook till the water is dry and very soft. Next, using a wooden spoon, mash the rice against the edges of the pot to bring the rice together. Stir and mash continuously until it forms one nice lump. Tuwo Shinkafa is often served as an accompaniment to various soups and stews such as egusi, miyan Kuka, miyan taushe, and stew for overall nutrition.

Original Source: "Nigerian Foods, Tips and Cooking" by Olaniyan Taibat

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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Herbs and Spices: There is Ginger and Then There is Blue Ginger

Spice Spotlight: Blue Ginger or Galangal 

One of my favorite Asian TV chefs is Ming Tsai. He had a restaurant called Blue Ginger, which sadly, closed in 2017, even before the COVID-19 pandemic. I never really thought about the name of his restaurant until I learned that there is a plant called “blue ginger”. It is not in the ginger root family but it looks like ginger; and its stems have beautiful blue flowers. So people call it “blue ginger”. If you accidentally put galangal or blue ginger in your recipe thinking it is ginger, you'll know as soon as you taste it that you made a mistake. Although, you might not mind the difference in the flavor.

This tropical plant is native to Indonesia and is a seasoning that adds flavor to numerous Southeastern Asian dishes. Blue ginger is used as a ornamental plant for home or garden; as well as a cooking ingredient. Also, like most herbs and spices, it has medicinal purposes.  

(NOTE: Also called Thai ginger or Siamese ginger.)

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Which do you choose? Potatoes, Pasta, or Rice?

No offense to all the potato and pasta lovers out there but if I have to choose, I’ll ask for rice dish any day. I love rice like Oprah loves bread! I know I’m not the only one. All around the world people love to share the rice recipes they serve at home. The dishes are so popular, locals will ask for it even when they’re out dining in a restaurant. It doesn’t matter that they can get the same dish at home.

Rice is the King of Crops

You could say that rice is the king of crops. Here’s why. According to historical records and documents, rice cultivation began in China and spread across Asia. As empires expanded and foreigners came to know one another via exploratory travels, the crop made its way to Africa and parts of Europe. The Europeans brought rice to America. Nowadays rice is everywhere. It is a staple food and many populations survive because the people are given a bowl of rice a day. “Rice has fed more people over a longer period of time than any other crop.” (Quote Source)

Bahamian Pigeon Peas and Rice

My family tree is Bahamian. I grew up eating pigeon peas and rice and always thought it was a uniquely Bahamian dish. But then my Puerto Rican friend told me they eat it a lot where she comes from too! The way they make it in Puerto Rico is slightly different but it’s still delicious. It is my all-time favorite rice recipe because it has ties to my heart.

Rice and peas or peas and rice is a traditional food in Africa. Everybody knows that Africans were brought to the Caribbean, The Bahamas, and the United States, by way of the slave trade. It makes sense that the people simply adapted and modified recipes they remembered from home, to suit their new environment. In The Bahamas, pigeon pea is a crop that is harvested regularly. Peas n’ rice started out as a one-pot meal, a sort of survival food for the islanders and those who farmed the land. Starch, meat, and veggies were all in one pot. The meat included in the recipe was usually salt pork or bacon. (You can change the recipe and do vegetarian or vegan-style. It’s OK!)

Over time, the locals and travelers or visitors to the island country grew to love peas n’ rice and as of today, it has become a common side dish. It almost always makes an appearance at everyday meals served at home and it is expected to be served as one of the sides at any restaurant, much like how American expect their french fries.
Would you be interested in trying this true Bahamian “must eat”? It’s easy to make! Bahamian Pigeon Peas & Rice

Other Rice Recipes and Food History

Even though I am familiar with Bahamian pigeon peas n’ rice because that’s my roots, there are other rice dishes I like eating just as much. Chinese fried rice. Paella. Biryani. Persian rice. ALL YUM!

No doubt each of these rice dishes have their own similar food history. Similar, that is to say, very likely started out as food for the commoners but tasted so good everybody wanted to eat some ~ the commoners and the aristocrats or rich folks.

Below are links to a collection of rice recipes that are sure to please, with a few historical tidbits mixed in to enhance the joy of eating.

Asian Rice Recipes

Chinese Fried Rice ~ You can do vegetarian-style or add small pieces of meat. The recipe actually came about as a way of using up leftover rice. The earliest historical records dates its origination to the Sui dynasty (589–618 CE).

Chicken Biryani ~ There are vegetarian versions, but I like the chicken. There are very strong opinions that biryani should be the National Dish of India, even though “biryani” is derived from the Persian word “birian” which means “fried before cooking.” Many give credit to the Mughals for creating the biryani dish, but some say there were similar dishes being eaten in India long before the establishment of the Mughal Empire. So let’s just say they took a common recipe and made it their own once they took over!

European and Middle-Eastern Rice Recipes

Seafood Paella ~ Paella originated in Valencia, Eastern Spain. It is a fusion of 2 cultures: Arab Moors and the natives of Spain. As to its history? One story goes that this rice dish was created by cooks using leftovers to give to the king’s guests to take home from the banquets.

Persian Rice ~ Also called Persian Wedding Rice or Iranian Jeweled Rice. It’s made with fruits and nuts. Iran which was once known as Persia, and was at one time an “ancient super power”; meaning the rulers conquered a lot of peoples who had different cultures. Iranian cuisine or Persian food has been influenced by many cultures. Hard to tell what originated from what resulted from the fusion or the blend. “Iran’s food has a rich and illustrious backstory that tells the tale of conquerors, explorers, and merchants all leaving their mark on Persian cuisine.” (Quote Source)

Which do you choose? Potatoes, Pasta, or Rice?

Original Source

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Food and Drink : Are You a Cheese Lover?

Have always been told that cheese is healthy eating. Haven't you? Unless you're lactose intolerant and have a hard time digesting dairy products, that is. But I received an article via eMail that said cheese might not be healthy. The headline was a shocker!

Cheese lover that I am!!   I respect the source, so I had to read further. Whew! I'm so relieved. They mentioned the “unhealthiest” cheeses to eat. Cheese singles, cheese spray and cheese dips. Had to laugh because I thought to myself: “Duh! Those products don't even count as cheese in my book!”  ☺

Nevertheless, the other information presented in the article about healthy cheeses and the diet tips made it a worthwhile read. This excerpt below quickly summarizes what the real aim of the article is.

“If you're a cheese lover, then there's good news for you. Not all cheese is bad for your diet. In fact, there are plenty of ways to include cheese in a weight loss or weight maintenance plan. You just need to be careful about what you buy and how much you eat.”

Here is a quick outline of the subtopics:
  • Healthiest Cheese Options
  • Unhealthiest Cheese Options
  • Health Benefits and Drawbacks of Cheese
  • Cheese and Weight Loss
  • Cheese Recipes

Frey, Malia. “The Smartest Ways to Include Cheese in Your Diet.” Verywell, 28 June 2017, Cheese Nutrition Facts: Calories in Cheese and Health Benefits ~ Content reviewed by a board-certified physician.

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Additional Comments:

I'm not sure if there is any style or form of cheese that doesn't taste good to me. Have heard people say they don't like the taste of goat cheese. Maybe if they ate it in the form of a cheesecake they'd change their mind.

Definitely never ate a piece of cheesecake that I didn't like!

People may not need to be told about this food blog and website: “Williams-Sonoma Taste”. It seems to be very popular (meaning it has a pretty high Alexa ranking). But in case you never heard of it, sharing a link below. You can sign up to receive their recipes via e-Mail.

* * 
This content first appeared at ForumCoin under the same title “Food and Drink : Are You a Cheese Lover?

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Food Blurb: Strawberry Chocolate Cake

I watched this time travel Korean drama where an acupunturist from the past (Joseon, 400 years ago) traveled to the future and met a lady doctor, a heart specialist. They fell in love and in one of the scenes, they were at a restaurant in Seoul. She told him to try the strawberry chocolate cake. She said it was one of the most popular desserts.  I have never had a strawberry chocolate cake, so that comment sent me searching for a recipe. Found one very easily published at one of my favorite food blogs. This looks like a dessert that should be made for a holiday or a special occasion.


Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe | two peas and their pod

Have you ever had strawberry chocolate cake?

Was it a holiday or special occasion? 

Were you dining out or dining in?

RELATED POST: Korean Drama TV Series: Live Up toYour Name (2017)

While you're here, check out some of my other food blurbs:

Japanese Fun Food

Zucchini Flowers

Who Invented Chicken Nuggets?

About the Blog Publisher

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Work-at-home professional since 2007.


Treathyl Fox aka Cmoneyspinner – Home Business Entrepreneur.  Think. Dream. Focus. Believe in yourself? Hire yourself! Be your own boss! Do it! Self-employed and loving it!   ♦ DISCLOSURE: In compliance with FTC rules and guidelines, be advised that some links shared via my my websites and blogs might contain affiliate referral links which means commissions might be earned if product sales resulted from your click-through to the vendor’s website. Contact or Connect via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, HUBPages, or Medium.